Monday, July 20, 2009

Bath faces

Elliott always enjoys a good bath. On this particular evening, Lennox and Mama went swimming and Papa and Elliott stayed home. Elliott screamed at Papa the entire time Mama and Nox were gone, except for during his bath. Gotta love the bath.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Lennox is down for the count!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beer me!

Just watching the tube, waiting for Mama to bring me a brewski ...

Boat boy

Lennox is king of the ocean. ... OK, maybe just Lake Mattoon.

Mug shot

Elliott is a pretty smiley dude, but this is the closest we've come to catching it on camera. I think we are suffering from second-child syndrome on our picture-taking.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Beautiful baby

I have a burning desire to enter Elliott in the "Most Beautiful Baby" contest at the county fair tomorrow, but I think Jason is going to keep me in line and stop me from doing it. We both know it's just a scam to separate egotistical parents from their money, but I really think he has a shot at the title! Alas, I will instead award him first place for Most Beautiful Baby on this blog. The prize? 100 kisses. Way to go, Elliott!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


We took Lennox to his first play recently: "Cinderella" at the Little Theatre in Sullivan. He seemed to enjoy it, but he was a bit disturbed by how different it was from his book. I think he would have liked to have seen the mice up there, too. He liked the character who played the King because he had glasses exactly like Nox's.

Elliott enjoyed a little extra attention from Norma while the rest of the fam was at the theater.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Frog fun

Sometimes when Lennox wakes up in the morning, there is a special treat waiting for him. Papa likes to go froggin' after dark and catch a few hoppers for Nox. We play with them in the morning and then let them go back to their pond. Nox loves it!

He also got a charge out of the turtle Opa found for him.

2-month stats

Elliott made a return trip to the doctor on Thursday for his 2-month checkup. He didn't particularly enjoy the 3 shots, but Mama was happy to hear that he is progressing beautifully. He's in the 90th percentile for weight (13 lbs 9 oz.), height (24 inches) and head circumference (16 inches).

Friday, July 03, 2009

arch arch arch

the fam headed to st. louis to the zoo and the arch. Minus Elliott's screaming in the pod to the top and bottom, a good time was had by all.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Ol' 6 eyes

Here is Lennox concentrating with 2 pairs of glasses and his favorite flashlight. What a hoot.

A challenge for you

Can you tell which boy is actually crying and which one is a faker?

Elliott's first hike

We visited Tickville, USA, for a nice jaunt in the woods. It was kind of ticky. Julie had two ticks and Jason had 1 tick between his toes. We just love ticks. E did not have any ticks :0 but we did find one on the Bjorn after the hike. It was awesome.

kind of blurry

Nox decided to wear papa's glasses (-7 diopter) and his comment was, "papa, it's kind of blurry." Papa couldn't see much out of the McQueen shades either.

granny's lovin

Elliott just can't get enough of Granny's lovin'. He is like putty in her hands. Even after she spoils him all day with attention, he sleeps okay at night so we have given her the green light and full access to E.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Swimming fools

My boys love the pool, especially Lennox and Papa. Elliott didn't really enjoy his first swim (too cold?), but the second one had him smiling. We have been spending a lot of time at the outdoor pool this summer, and Lennox loves it. He and Papa just hop in the golf cart and go for a dip after work. His new trick is at the lake, though: jumping off the end of the dock all by himself (wearing a life jacket). Hopefully we can get some pics or video of that feat this weekend.