Monday, March 12, 2007

Our hearts are breaking

Tonight is the first night of "crying it out" for Lennox to get to sleep without his binky or other accessories. Jason and Julie's hearts are breaking with every wail. The screams have just stopped after 52 minutes. Are we doing the right thing??? Will Lennox hate us in the morning??? Stay tuned to find out.


Theo Carter said...'d it go?! i'm sure he'll nap well at daycare after that long episode! 50 minutes in adult time is like an eternity for a baby!

The Lils said...

Sorry to hear you lost your Binky Lennox, but cheer up - time heals all wounds.

Anonymous said...

RAHWA Said...

We understand, we had "Lil Suga" cry it out as well for about a week. It was so hard and we didn't have much sleep but she is much better now. 1)She is finally sleeping in her crib. 2)We can put her down to slettp without her wailing even if she is awake, she just drifts to sleep by herself.
3) We are getting way more sleep now- last night she made it through the whole night 9pm-5:30a, she wimpered twice but fell back alseep.

Hang in there it gets better!

Anonymous said...

Is this a Lenten sacrifice? Poor little boy. Love, his grandma

Anonymous said...

Hey guys this is Jen (Maulding) McCallister although my baby is way beyond this stage it is well worth throwing out the binky and getting babies to sleep on their own, I have lots of friends with horror stories that their kids needs lights on, drinks, bottles, blankies, rocked to sleep etc. etc....Lennox will never remember what you did to him and he'll be much happier with well rested parents! Good Luck!