Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fistulated cow? No problem

We were quite surprised and impressed when Lennox was willing to milk a cow and then don a giant plastic glove and stick his hand inside the fistulated cow at Vet Med Open House earlier this month.

If you're not familiar with the U of I's famous fistulated cow, it has a hole in its side where you can see all the half-eaten grass making its way through various stages of digestion. You can put your hand in and caress the greens. It's pretty gross.

When we were there, the cow shuddered and shook part of its half-eaten meal all over Uncle Brent. "Wow, that smells horrible!" he said. We explained to him that it was because a giant glob had landed on his face right next to his nose. Nice!

As a reward for his bravery, Lennox took a post-cow trip to the library to meet Super Why. Alpha Pig was supposed to be there, too, but he was sick. Rats! He's the one I really wanted to meet.

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