Monday, June 22, 2009

Tiny dancer

Babies are awfully funny when they sleep. Is Elliott practicing his ballet moves here? It looks like he's enjoying his nap, but how is Elliott sleeping at night? Answer: Not too bad. He has been on just about the same pattern ever since he came home from the hospital: Wake up sometime between 1:30 and 3 a.m. for a snack, then usually back to sleep pretty easily. Then he's up again between 4:30 and 6. After that, if Lennox doesn't come in and really rile him up, I can usually get him to sleep again until about 9 a.m.

I am trying to catch up on all the pictures we have been taking but have been too busy to post. The first thing I have noticed is that Elliott seems to have more hair in this older photo than he does now. Yes, he's going bald just like his brother did.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

On a roll

Guess what Elliott did yesterday? He rolled over! We thought it was a bit early for him to show such skills (5 weeks old), but he had 3 witnesses to his baby triumph. And while we are talking milestones, he seems to have offered his first real smiles today. What a weekend!

Here are the stats from his 1-month weigh-in last week: 11.4 lbs; 22.5 inches. Getting porky!