Sunday, June 07, 2009

On a roll

Guess what Elliott did yesterday? He rolled over! We thought it was a bit early for him to show such skills (5 weeks old), but he had 3 witnesses to his baby triumph. And while we are talking milestones, he seems to have offered his first real smiles today. What a weekend!

Here are the stats from his 1-month weigh-in last week: 11.4 lbs; 22.5 inches. Getting porky!


MonkeyJoel said...

Wow this is amazing what a big boy you are Elliott! Hey send me your address so I can mail him a present I can't seem to ever find your parents home to drop off a package. My email is

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Congrats on baby no. 2. He's adorable and we're happy for you all! the Rehrauers